In our current research project, we are dealing with mental health of young people. Despite similar challenges and tasks, some adolescents develop mental health issues, while others show a certain mental stability. If difficulties arise, typically they already occur during the school years. The aim of our project is both to find out more about the factors that promote such mental health issues as well as to explore the factors that are related to mental stability. We also want to look at the progression of mental health over time. If that begins to falter, we can derive information on how and when to intervene to improve the mental health of young people. In the light of the current Corona pandemic, we are convinced that it is the right time to better understand young people's mental health and as researchers, we are asked to help young people with our research findings.
For that purpose, we are conducting a short questionnaire study among students from grades 8 to 12, i.e., aged 13 to 18. Our research team is directly on site in the cooperating schools and carries out the tests together with the young people. The students' emotional state, their life experiences and circumstances as well as how they deal with difficult situations are assessed via questionnaire. The first measurement took place in October/November of 2021. The procedure will be repeated six months, one year and two years later in order to record potential changes.
It is important for us to make our research project as transparent as possible for students, teachers, parents and interested people. If you have any questions about our project, please do not hesitate to contact our research team.
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If you would like to support us with further studies in the future, you can give us your e-mail address if you are at least 16 years old. We will then contact you when a project comes up for which we need your support: