News & Media

Videoclip: WDR Lokalzeit Ruhr

The video article for WDR Lokalzeit Ruhr from 19.08.2024 can be found under the “Read more” button (excerpt: 13:42 min to 17:23 min).

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Article: WAZ

The article for WAZ from July 31, 2024, can be found under the "Read More" button.

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Article: WAZ+

The article for WAZ+ from July 31, 2024, can be found under the "Read More" button.

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Article: WDR5 Neugier genügt - Freifläche

The audio file of the interview for WDR5 from April 19, 2024, can be found under the "Read More" button.

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Article: Deutschlandfunk Kultur

The article from Deutschlandfunk Kultur about the AVATAR therapy approach developed by our colleagues in England (10.01.2019) can be found under the "Read More" button.

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SERVICE OFFER: Psychosis specialized consultation

Our new specialized consultation for psychosis (adults & adolescents) & psychotic-like experiences (children) started in July 2024. 

You can click the link for more information.

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RUB-News: research on psychotic experiences



Insights into Mar Rus-Calafell's research projects and visions of the future. 




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RUB-News: Sofja-Kovalevskaja-Award for Mar Rus-Calafell


Details of receiving the award and starting the Young- VOices- Research- and Interventions- Group


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PODCAST: Input on Avatar Therapy as a treatment for AVH


Hearing voices: the science of auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH)


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